Intelligent solutions for the smart factory

With logiccloud, control programmes for production processes can be adapted more efficiently and flexibly to changing conditions. Existing plants can be integrated into digital processes quickly and easily. All functions for production and manufacturing, material flow and logistics, product tracking can be realised with logiccloud – at the machine, in the line, at the location.

logiccloud takes over the pre-processing of process data from any number of physical or virtual PLCs, supplements this with meta-data from other systems and makes it available as uniform, consistent process information in a secure IT environment of the plant operator. Production parameters, delivery quantities, assortments, recipes or the like can thus be transmitted to all controllers simultaneously in almost real time.

Example production

  • Complexity of the automation solution increases with each application
  • Master PLC is limited in the number of communication channels
  • Data is not consistent between applications because data is retrieved at different times
  • Very high costs for installation, setup, maintenance and service
  • Standardisation very costly to impossible
  • Consistent digitisation very difficult to implement
  • Each control manufacturer has its own hardware and programming software

logiccloud in the Smart Factory

  • logiccloud replaces the master PLC’s with a highly scalable, fail-safe control platform
  • Process data becomes consistent process information with logiccloud
  • Use of cloud technologies such as Kubernetes, Kafka, RabbitMQ, influxDB etc.
  • Hardware components and interfaces are significantly reduced
  • Low costs for installation, setup, maintenance and service
  • Programming takes place in the standard browser
  • Uninterrupted switching of PLC programmes
  • Functions for data pre-processing can be easily extended
  • High IP protection through compiled and encrypted programs

Areas of application

Highly scalable, fail-safe control platform on the Factory Edge

Setting up flexible manufacturing and production facilities

Provision of consistent process information for e.g. ERP, MES, SCADA and AI

Entry into the Smart Factory

Your personal logiccloud demo

We answer your questions and look together how logiccloud can map your use cases and we create the greatest added value for your company.