
Revolutionize your automation.

Revolutionize your automation.

Create your automation solution just once and then run it on any hardware platform and in the cloud without any changes? That’s logiccloud.

logiccloud offers …

Grafik: Plattformunabhaengigkeit

Platform independence

Developed once, ready for use on any hardware and in the cloud.

Grafik: Flexibilitaet

Flexibility and efficiency

Drastically reduce development and maintenance costs.

Grafik Zukunftssicherheit

Future security

Stay adaptable in a constantly changing technological landscape.

Grafik Teamarbeit

Teamwork in real time

Work on projects simultaneously with your team without version conflicts.

Grafik Uebertragung

Secure transmission

Transfer program updates TLS-secured and without VPN.

Grafik Anlagenbetriebszeit

Maximize system uptime

Our AI algorithms identify problems before your systems fail.

logiccloud makes your automation projects simpler, more flexible, safer and more economical!

logiccloud makes your automation projects simpler, more flexible, safer and more economical!

logiccloud Automation partner network

Strong partners for individual and successful projects.

“With logiccloud, we were able to achieve results in two days that would have taken us weeks with conventional control technology.”

“With logiccloud, we were able to achieve results in two days that would have taken us weeks with conventional control technology.”

Jürgen Böhm

Latest news

Einladung zur SPS 2024 in Nürnberg

November 13, 2024|News|

Unter dem Motto "Revolutionieren Sie Ihre Automation" präsentiert logiccloud auf der SPS 2024 vom 12.-14.11.2024 in Nürnberg die neueste Version ihrer innovativen Automatisierungsplattform.

Einladung zur SPS 2024 in Nürnberg

November 13, 2024|News|

Unter dem Motto "Revolutionieren Sie Ihre Automation" präsentiert logiccloud auf der SPS 2024 vom 12.-14.11.2024 in Nürnberg die neueste Version ihrer innovativen Automatisierungsplattform.

Have we convinced you?

Then don’t hesitate! Register today and implement a proof of concept.

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